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New Member Registration

Thank you for deciding to join Sidmouth Photographic Club. In order to complete this process please follow the registration steps below.

1.  ï»¿ï»¿ï»¿Complete the Membership Form which you fill in on-line. On the form you will be asked to sign a disclaimer regarding participation in trips and external events, and to opt in or out of an on-line presence for your images so that we have your formal permission to use them.
This is covered in more detail on the membership form when you open it up.


2. Pay the subscription by BACS. The details of our account are on the membership form and below:

Lloyds Bank:

Account Name: Sidmouth Photographic Club

Account Number: 44736268

Sort Code: 309090

Reference, your name with MEM after – eg JSmithMEM


If paying by BACS or completing the on-line form really is impossible for you please contact the Secretary ( and we will work something out.


3. Register for access to the SPC website members’ area. This is very important as it is here that you will find information about the club, competitions, trips, special interest groups and lots of other things. 

To do this you go to the website and hover your cursor on “More” and then select Members and follow the instructions.


It will take a few days to process your registration and you will receive an email to let you know that it has gone through.


4. Tell us a little bit more about yourself by completing the New Member Information form.

  © 2024 Sidmouth Photographic Club

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